MKS Retreat 2006     

   What a great weekend!  It was so nice to see old friends, and meet new ones at this wonderful event. This was a perfect time to learn.  Some of us new to kitemaking learned so much, while others helped teach.  Just having a weekend with friends was very rewarding.


Harold and Andy discuss kite design.  

Dave trying to get some work done in between helping the newbies...

Mike VanMeers and Charmaine

Beth sewing away...

Paul working on a bridle

Cathy sewing away...

Dave and Harold (I am the King!)

Harold and Andy

Everyone working

Bill Bigge creating another genius invention

Ron is thrilled he is finished edging!

Harold tie-dyed fabric

Drake running the show...

Beth learning how to bridle

Harold (the King) helping Terry

Paul still at work...

Of course we had to eat!

The Saturday night Banquet

Sushi Night!!

What a GREAT meal!!


  Beth finished her Tirips!!!

Andy with a great pair!